Rango the Dog

Based on his behaviors and health conditions we did not expect our beloved pet to live more than 6 months to a year at best

In the summer of 2014, Justin and I decided to adopt a dog as a companion for our dog Dobby, who is 8 and half years old and weighs 10 pounds. Therefore, we wanted a dog in comparable size and age. We found a Dachshund Chihuahua mix. He was 9 years old, way overweight, but a small breed. His name was Wally which was short for Wallace. He was listed on Pixie Mama’s Rescue Website. We were not given much detail on the history of Wally, other than his previous owner was unable to keep him. In fact, we were told he had been returned because the previous owner found he was not an appropriate match for what they wanted. Little did we know we had adopted a dog with long term physical and emotional baggage. The lady who worked with Pixie Mama’s and who had been caring for Wally, did not have a good vibe, she reeked of tobacco, and looked extremely unhealthy. We paid the $150 adoption fee. Wally was brought to our apartment wearing an old nasty collar and a very worn out leash.

The first couple of days were not promising. Wally appeared to be withdrawn from us. He would stay in the far corner of the living room all day and night. He had issues with his food. During mealtimes, he was aggressive and possessive of the dog food. It seemed as if he had been raised in an environment in which his food was withheld from him as punishment. Wally had this obsession with taking some food and putting it in random spots on the floor. He would also take some food back to his bedding area. He was so overweight, he had no energy and had a terribly unpleasant odor. His nails were overgrown and curled in toward his paws making it difficult and painful for him to walk. Wally did show some affection towards us, however, when you rubbed around his head area he yelped in a high pitched squeal. He disliked being picked up. He was never socialized with other animals and people, so when we attempted to play with him using a ball or tug rope, he was unresponsive to those activities. Wally was never taken on walks. When we did attempt to walk him, he would not go very far before he plopped to the ground and refused to move, tiring easily. He yawned often, which for a dog indicates nervousness. Justin and I thought this dog was potentially doomed to an absolutely short future. Based on Wally’s behaviors and health conditions we did not expect him to live more than 6 months to a year at best.

Wally the dog before his holistic healing:

We felt like we had been given a hospice dog. Also, we hated the name Wally. It did not fit the demeanor of the dog. Justin and I agreed that the dog needed a new name. I will tell you about how we chose his new name shortly. Despite his potentially short future, we were determined to provide Wally with healthy food, plenty of love, and a safe environment. However, that short future was not to be. A shimmering ray of hope was about to shine brightly in Wally’s life as it was already shimmering in our lives… enter Tobi.

During this time period we were receiving healing from a highly evolved and divinely connected person known as Tobi Wilde. Prior to her healing services, Justin was on the brink of suffering an early death. I was tired, lethargic, and cranky. My colon was precancerous. We both suffered from severe back and neck pains. We had trouble sleeping every night. However, Tobi saved my boyfriend Justin’s life. She saved my life too, using diet and medicines (For more details see our testimonials on her website.) When we told Tobi about the dog’s conditions, she lovingly stated that she could heal him. She was able to astral project in order to know what his specific conditions were and how to cure him. She went to work immediately on healing the dog, channeling his diet and medication regimen. Through this it did not take long before the dog began to show signs of major improvement. He began to have more energy. He wagged his tail more. He warmed up to Justin, me, and Dobby. He began walking around more. Over time, the diet and medication changed him so much, he would run in short spurts at full speed. He had a healthy bark and thus would express himself more and he began to lose weight. His fur coat became shiny and he became more attentive to us during play time. He regained a sense of curiosity and investigative nature. Those are good traits of the Dachshund breed.

As I stated earlier, the dog’s name was Wally. We felt this was a horrible name for him. Now, the dog known as Wally is gone forever… In a sense that entity has died, metaphorically speaking. There was an animated movie that came out a few years ago about a chameleon named Rango, with the name of the of the movie being Rango. The movie takes place in the American Southwest near Mexico. We figured since the dog was half Chihuahua, brown in color and had a rough bark, the name Rango sounded appropriate. The name instantly came to us, RANGO. It sounded powerful, vibrant and rugged. That is what we considered the dog to be. Thus Rango was our re-born dog. And to this day Rango has taken to his name and happily responds to it.

Rango after Diet and Medicine regime:

Thanks to the love of Tobi, in healing Rango, this story has a happy ending. Wally the dog was doomed to an impending death, but Rango the dog is blessed with a longer healthier and happier life.

Ryan & Justin
Santa Fe, NM

Your help - your gift of healing - is helping save my life. I honestly don't know where I'd be without you. Don't even want to think of it... because I know that I found you just in time.
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Being a multidimensional woman, Tobi brings all of herself and her gifts to creating magical, fanciful and grand environments for all types of homes, businesses and public spaces.