Obesity, Extreme Liver Pain

I was really depressed and had crazy dreams of death and I looked in the mirror and looked at my reflection and just saw myself dead

Tobi Wilde found me working as a part time busser just two weeks before my 21st birthday. I had been sick for two months and had severe chest pain and in my right side in my liver area, and had been in the emergency room twice before I met her. The doctors only told me I had bronchitis and that I was in no danger but I knew that wasn’t the case. They prescribed me two medications which were hydrocodone and a steroid which broke down mucous. I was really depressed and had crazy dreams of death and I looked in the mirror and looked at my reflection and just saw myself dead. I would just sit in my room and cry myself to sleep with my two year old boy laying by my side and would ask God to help me proceed in my life, live my dreams, find my true love and raise my adorable son.

Tobi seemed to feel my depression and sadness one day at work and asked me if she could feel my medications when I was about to take them. She quickly told me they were no good for me and were getting me one step closer to death. I was really thankful for her telling me such things when i had already felt a bad vibration from taking them. So she asked me if she could have them. I felt uncomfortable at first but realized she was right so I listened to her and she traded me two more medications which were horse tail and goldenseal. They helped me a lot just in time for my birthday. The next day after my birthday we talked about all the problems I had with my body and told me I had 3 major clogged and one close to dangerously clogged arteries witch caused edema; I had parasites in my liver and thymus gland that doctors didn’t seem to detect or simply ignored. I was really impressed by how fast she healed me from bronchitis so I decided to work with her for the rest of the problems I had. It was quite a disturbance for me to know I had worms inside my body.

When I first started I was 220 pounds, but after just 4 months I dropped 50 pounds and cleared my arteries! I was really impressed and happy. She relieved my chest pain in the first month and my liver and thymus gland are quite healthy now. I have more energy than ever in good days and depression gets to me but not as much as before. I am truly amazed by how much everything has changed for me – even my 6th sense has evolved to something I had no idea was possible. I can feel vibrations from people and even ghosts. I have been working in my dream job as a DJ and I’m getting healthier every passing day. Tobi Wilde has taught me a lot about health and love, even tough love, and what god’s true temple is and that’s the body and we have to respect it and love it. Toby has been a huge influence in everything I do, even star gazing and watching sun sets which is truly amazing and is one thing I never seemed to notice. Thanks to God and Tobi I wake up and give thanks for every breath I take. I truly enjoy every passing minute for now I can raise my son to be healthy and alive to every obstacle we have in life.


Mario Hernandez

Your help - your gift of healing - is helping save my life. I honestly don't know where I'd be without you. Don't even want to think of it... because I know that I found you just in time.
I have been off my medication for them for over a week and have not had any allergy attacks...

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Medical Intuitive or psychic consultations are not a substitute for professional advice from a medical doctor, mental health professional, lawyer or any other licensed professional.

No responsibility is assumed for advice given and/or action taken by a client based on information received during a consultation.


Being a multidimensional woman, Tobi brings all of herself and her gifts to creating magical, fanciful and grand environments for all types of homes, businesses and public spaces.