Testimonial: Cerebral Palsy

This vivacious 10 year-old girl could only stand briefly without a support. Today she can stand for longer than she can count - and Tobi has only just begun working on her so-called "incurable" disease.

"I came across an article about her in People Magazine... this child being so beautiful, touched my Heart."

10 years old with cerebral palsy, carried by her teacher on a hike

Tobi reached out to the family, and a healing journey began... The following video shows her difficulty exiting a vehicle at the time Tobi began working with  her.

10 years old with cerebral palsy

From her mom:

My daughter was born 8 weeks premature after surviving a twin loss and a ruptured placenta. She was delivered by C-section after sepsis was suspected at 32 weeks. She spent the first month of her life in the NICU. She had issues with being able to breathe, suck and swallow simultaneously. She came home on an apnea monitor that would alert us when she forgot to breathe.

This beautiful young girl has made astonishing strides (literally!) in only a few months of working with Tobi's diet & medicine.

Her Mom says...

"Since working with Tobi, she has made significant gains in her ability to use her hands. She has gone from only being able to make scribbles to being able to make recognizable drawings of people and animals. She can now manipulate zippers and buttons. She can stand independently for several minutes at a time. Her voice has become stronger. She has gained strength in her core. She has been able to express her anger and frustration with her challenges. She has developed the ability to swallow pills."

"Her teachers have commented on her overall improved alertness and independence in school, as well as a jump in her reading abilities."

Update, Nov 2019: "[My daughter...] has expressed when we are talking about the diet... that she’s improved in her overall health... She says she feels stronger, clearer and has noticed she doesn’t get sick as easily or as often as before she started with Tobi."

She reached an astounding milestone about 3 months into treatment. Check this out!

An evolution in her healing journey: Agility

Tobi: You should be seeing a change in the rotary ability/movement of her pelvis... as in towards agile... She should have more agility in her pelvis

She is sitting more nicely than usual right now...

Pelvis... Pelvis...Pelvis!

Nothing about the conversation above, regarding improvement to the agility of her pelvis, was ever mentioned to the daughter. The following comment came 4 days later:

I know Tobi has some mad skills - but this one is downright eerie mystical.

I never mentioned to my daughter what Tobi said about her pelvis this week. She was in her room practicing standing. Doing exceptionally well. Trying out a few dance moves, standing up from the bed without holding on to anything and feeling super proud. Then she says, “ I feel really balanced and my pelvis is very straight.”

That day her mom sent a video of her standing while tossing and catching a hat. Her balance, strength, coordination and flexibility have improved by leaps and bounds!

Up, up and away!

Limber, limber... LIMBER!

I had deteriorated so much that I spent the last 5 years mostly home-bound, bed-ridden and in severe chronic pain and suffering at all times. There was no relief and very little hope.

I was really depressed and had crazy dreams of death and I looked in the mirror and looked at my reflection and just saw myself dead

For at least 15 years I suffered severe stabbing pains in my lower back feeling like a small knife switching from one side to the other


Medical Intuitive or psychic consultations are not a substitute for professional advice from a medical doctor, mental health professional, lawyer or any other licensed professional.

No responsibility is assumed for advice given and/or action taken by a client based on information received during a consultation.


Being a multidimensional woman, Tobi brings all of herself and her gifts to creating magical, fanciful and grand environments for all types of homes, businesses and public spaces.